Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Auttumn Newsletter 2010

What's New:

I started this newsletter and blog site with the development of my website in 2006, writing about my journey to England and France in 2001 under the guidance of Archangel Michael.

I visited the scared sites of England & Mon St Michel in France and found a special connection with the Apollo and Athena Ley line, which runs from Skellig Michael in Ireland through England, France, Italy, Greece and down to Armageddon at Megiddo in Israel. (Please see early Blog on web site for more.)

Information about this ley line is now fairly well known. Made known by the book “The Dance of the Dragon" by Hamish Miller & Paul Broadhurst who's tracking and recording of the ley line took them a period 10 years to research…. Traveling over 2500 miles of earth & sea to research information. What an extraordinary achievement ( Hamish sadly passed away in January this year ) but has left humanity an amazing legacy.

All the major St Michael churches, cathedrals and ancient temples including Minerva temples reside on this ley line.

I knew & felt instinctively that I needed to complete the remainder of my journey which started in 2000. Until I found some completion my spirit remained restless.

This restlessness can be hard to define and can take years to recognize and can take the form of a sense
of uneasiness that you should be somewhere else or doing something different. When you can act on the call of your inner voice or your higher self, the restlessness disappears and peace surrounds you .

I had this opportunity when Kevin and I traveled to France, Italy and Greece over the Christmas period to complete a task once again under guidance of Archangel Michael.

As discussed in “The Dance of the Dragon,” the ancient sites of Pizza, Genoa, Assisi, Delphi, the Acropolis & Poseidon Temple reside on the Apollo & Athena ley line and as we found out they still remain full of light and powerful energy.


We started our trip Christmas morning in Paris and the streets were deserted. It was freezing cold & drizzling, spectacularly beautiful with Christmas lights strung up over the streets and the peaceful hush of Christmas Day around us.

The only café opened for breakfast was Les Deux Magots on the corner of Blvd St Germaine & Rue da Rennes where the oldest church in Paris stands.

The café has a lovely light energy to it. Situated on the left bank it has been the meeting place for many years for Hemmingway, Picasso and many creative people.

Just around the corner is the St Sulpice Church the site of one of Dan Browns books “ Angels & Demons”. The rose line runs through this church and the loveliest energy emanates from within it.
This morning we find ourselves chatting with Arnold Crane a world famous American photographer who has met every morning for the last 60 years with like minded friends & collogues at the café.

St Germaine was filled with creative energy but it was not the Apollo & Athena ley line.

Rome Italy ;

After 4 days in Paris we traveled by train to Rome to start our tour of Italy. Our hotel was located 1 kilometer from Vatican City. The ley line defiantly does not run through Vatican City as I soon found out. I found myself angry and energetically blocked as we joined our tour of Rome & the Vatican.

I put this down to the Vatican being a huge energetic drain on the earth’s resources and people. The surrounding suburbs outside the Vatican felt devoid of energy and life.

The tour took in Pizza, the Square of Miracles and , the leaning tower. The Apollo & Athena ley line runs delightfully through the site. The sun was shining which made everything feel pristine and renewed.

We passed on through La Spezia & Genova where I could feel the up-lifting presence of the ley line.

The next stop on the ley line was Turin. The ley line goes through the church which houses a copy of the shroud of Turin.

It was hard to feel the ley line here as I tried to tune into it. I felt a menacing presence that blocked my energy from connecting with the ley line. By the time we reached our hotel I had a migraine & was quite ill all night.

Just as a ley line is a light line of great beauty, it has a way of bringing up the truth. Ego, shadow & power also have a role to play on ley lines. As do earth bound entities that have not moved on trapped in their own power plays.

The sickness cleared enough to resume the tour and
I managed to clear the remaining energy when we reached beautiful Lake Maggiore in the Italian Alps early next morning.

Assisi was the last ley line crossing we experienced in Italy. It passes through the ancient Minerva temple & the water fountain in the city square. ( Pictured above) Once again the light line felt open & flowing.

Assisi is truly a beautiful place of light and beauty this also includes the resting place of St France’s tomb in the Church. This is our last stop in Italy before we flew to Greece the home of the Acropolis.

We wandered around the Acropolis on a Sunday morning ,basking in the sun at the amphitheatre at the base of the Apollo Temple.

The ley line runs right through the Acropolis & Athens. Someone in ancient times must have known this as they built the temples to the Gods Apollo & Athena. The Acropolis was ancient Greece's finest hours and no wonder with such an energy line and the Gods to support its growth.

Our tour in & around Greece began with a crazy bus driver. On the tour we risked life & limb traveling with him while he smoked, used his mobile phone, ate and talked constantly to the tour director while tail gating cars down mountain passes. We took to having a drink & a few prayers to the Gods for survival.

We did eventually made it to Delphi safely. Once again the sun shone down on the ley line of this historical site pointing the way.

Delphi was once the centre of the universe according to ancient mythology. Its ancient roads still resound to the procession of not only modern day pilgrims, but on the Astral plane pilgrims, soldiers warriors & kings still feel present…. maybe all still seeking information from the oracle.

At Delphi the ley line runs through the Apollo temple down the mountain into the Athena temple below.

It’s as if the ley line is on top of the surface here and has a freedom and flow to it that sent us into fits of laughter and high spirits.

Our last night was back in Athens where we took the sky bus to the top of Mt Lycabettos. Mt Lycabettos was a sacred site of Gaia the Earth Goddess.

This is where many years ago the French mystical Scholar Jean Richer realized that you could draw a line through all the major pagan sites in Greece. Linking major St Michael churches, with the key god / goddess sites.

Our tour was over, the restlessness that was the fuel that fed this journey was completed. What had I learned from all this?

My travels to these ancient sites has given me the opportunity to heal past life issues and clear blocks towards future growth. It has opened up my heart and physic channels to lead me on a journey through the heart of the Gaia earth, her meridian systems and ley lines including people, places and animals connected to these lines. It reminds me of the nature of impermanence and the flow & continuation of life.

About Newlife Reiki Seichim :

“Newlife Reiki Sechim Sekhem is not a secret doctrine, nor is it hidden intentionally. There is nothing more dangerous than a little knowledge or a half truth.”

Those words were written by my teacher Margot Deepa Slater in her student manual back in the nineties when she started teaching NLR meditation retreats.

Deepa goes on to say “ it is never easy to recognize esoteric teachings. The symbolism is a protector as well as a motivator to spur you on to the rediscovery of the inner depths of your heart/ mind.”

NLR is a path for the spiritual warrior , the Bodhisattva Warrior. Seichim derived from Egyptian mystery school esoteric teachings, it means sacred might or power.

It can be imagined and likened as the parent to Reiki. Reiki being a beautiful loving kindness meditation which heals through love & touch. Similar to the energy of a Theravada meditation.

Seichim Sekhem could be likened to the Diamond way or the Vajrayana practice in Buddhism.
It is a faster vibration and cuts through issues, pain and blocks quicker and with more focus & intensity than Reiki. Both modalities complement each other.

Sekhmet statues archeological museum Athens.

In Deepa’s words “ the path of the Bodhisattva Warrior is about supreme compassion, liberation for all sentient being. The archetypal energies that we work with in NLR Seichim, are the equals of our own nature & the world collective unconscious.”

It can take up to year to fully integrate the teachings of each workshop and sometimes longer. This is not a practice for people who wish to be a master in a weekend. What are we a master of anyway? We are always learning; life on Earth is a learning place.

After 8 years of Seichim training I started teaching and have found myself undergoing gradual inner & external change. NLR has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined.

In 2006 Deepa gave me permission to use and reprint the material in the NLR linage teachings.
They are exceedingly comprehensive and continue to be relevant.

I thank Deepa for her commitment to the Newlife Reiki Seichim linage & teachings which have been a huge part of her life’s work.
Hervey Bay NLR level 1 Workshop:

A Newlife level 1 workshop was held in Hervey Bay Qld last November, we started very early due to the heat and the birds wake up 4.00am.
The workshop held at the salon in Urangan was a lot of fun in a very relaxed atmosphere.
I would like to thank Janet Dunstan who is a NLR level 3 student for her hospitality and a wonderful weekend.