Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spring Newsletter 2008

Spring has arrived and so it seems... a meltdown of economic markets. This is not new information.

Anyone in the spiritual circles has known of this information for some time now, and is quite prepared. What is known from those who have been working on themselves, is that it is important to maintain a balance of emotions and not add to the fear churning throughout the media.

How is it best to move through the projected energetic fears that hang over the earth at this time?

One way is to avoid the 6.00pm news. Another is to find time throughout the day to relax your mind by spending some quiet time outdoors with the life giving force that Spring brings with it. Your morning tea break or lunch hour sitting in the sun, noticing the new life and renewal that abounds as spring bursts forth with colourful blooms and growth.

Being outdoors in the sun can have a calming effect, giving your mind a much needed rest.

The global economic situation is a concern to all of us. However, it can be handled better with a clear mind that will help alleviate panic and confusion, not only for yourself, but the people around you will benefit from your calm attitude and appearance.


Earth Angel:

Earth Angel essence was communicated to me from Archangel Michael for the purpose of clearing very dark , negative energy that we at times carry, from being hurt, or from some traumatic event.

This essence can be placed on an area of the ground, for example, where a theft or accident has happened.

It is gentle on children with nighttime fears. Earth Angel helps to bring a calming effect, if a couple of drops are placed on the pillow.

To use on the body, two drops in the auric field or rubbed on the wrists is a usual dosage.

This essence is also very protective to use if you are under physic attack.

It is a joyful essence that lightens the spirit.


Newlife Reiki Seichim level 1 workshop.

Is being held this month on the 25 &26 October at the School of Shih, 418 Nepean Hwy, Chelsea. Phone 97722028 or 0359646903 for bookings.

There will also be a Newlife Reiki Seichim level 1 workshop here in Woori Yallock on the 15 & 16 Nov. Please phone 03 59646903.

Newlife Seichim Sekhem level 3 Retreat.

The Seichim Sekhem level 3 meditation retreat was held at Jamison Sanctuary in Victoria over nine days. I would like to thank Barb Stone for the wonderful facilities and for devoting so much energy into creating this wonderful environment.

The students found courage through the practice of Newlife Seichim/Sekhem and by being held by our mother earth who embraced them, so they could to face their fears. All glimpsed the beauty of the Divine self making incredible changes to old programs.

Well done to you all.

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