Tuesday, July 31, 2012

NewLife Reiki Solutions Winter Newsletter 2012

Winter is well and truly here in the Yarra Valley and I have been snuggling up with a book by Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman, "Spontaneous Evolution".

They speak about a positive future for mankind based on understanding new science and its connectedness through the way of the heart. Lipton and Bhaerman explain in great depth and detail how as humans we have the most amazing physiological set up in our bodies. The human cells are designed to create an all together perfect community and living system.

Bruce goes onto say that research has revealed, "through new scan technology that the ancients were right in regards to the hearts influence on life". Howard Martin concluded In his book "The HeartMath Solution", "that heart intelligence is the intelligent flow that we experience once the mind and body emotions are brought into balance". In otherwords the heart does indeed have a mind of its own.

How similar this is in relation to the Rings of the Thymus and the Newlife Reiki Seichim (NRL) teachings. In the NLR model, the energy channels in the body are safely opened to allow understanding of the way of the heart. This is similar to using Seichim techniques and symbols to activate the Thymus Heart-Mind Chakra. This thymus chakra is also known as the "seat of perception". The Thymus Chakra collects the intuitive data of a situation and then relays that information to an area in the body that empathizes with it, which may for example be the stomach, resulting in feeling sick or the back of the neck which can cause headaches. This is known as the bodies primordial response.

For instance the Thymus Chakra may pick up a dangerous situation. You may be in a train and you suddenly feel fearful. This is the Thymus Chakra relaying to you that this is a dangerous situation. You notice you are the only person left in the carriage with two very drunk men. Your immediate instinct is to get out of the carriage, but you then tell yourself not to be so stupid. The body then reacts by way of the solar plexus or some other sensitive part of your body. You may start to feel feel sick, and have continual bad feelings about the situation. Still you override your feelings to get out. The men become loud and abusive and they start to include you in their argument. The situation now becomes confronting, making it harder for you to extract yourself.

The Thymus gland actually atrophies around the age of 5 due to lack of use, so it needs to be activated daily by tapping on your chest.

We are given this intuitive and all seeing Thymus Chakra your Heart -Mind not only to benefit a healthy immune system but to help us grow into these understandings that the new sciences are discovering.

One comes to realize just how asleep we have been in relation to what energies are readily available to maintain good health. The Thymus Chakra or heart-mind center plays an important role in keeping our energy bodies light, alive and vibrant.

The NLR Seichim healing system and working the seven Rings of the Thymus can lead to an open hearted and wellness approach to life. One which enables a person to be more aware and conscious of the choices we make for this amazing community that makes up our body.

Warm Regards


Rivers of Existence

Earth Acupuncture Book.

This excerpt from my book explains a little about my journey to England & Europe to work with the healing of Earth Meridians through the trust and guidance of Archangel Michael. I hope you enjoy it !

The human emotions of betrayals, blood shed and sadness are held in the earth.

Through wars and battles and every day living a black stream will build up over many years and be composed of layers.

Black streams stagnate in the earth affecting the earth’s meridian systems, which can be likened to a giant lung meridian similar to a human lung meridian.

Just think of our emotions and tears.

If not released they build up inside us and can eventually turn into disease.

When the human body receives acupuncture to a blocked lung meridian it will release the blocked emotion of sadness giving the person a feeling of vitality.

The earth’s meridian system works in much the same way; the release of the blocked energy through earth acupuncture brings a new flow of vitality to the stream.

This trip was not only to help release the blocked sites that needed healing but to help discover and release the lost part of my self that had been buried in pain.

I needed to find the courage to delve in to the pain so to allow healing to begin.

I realized this could be achieved through doing the earth acupuncture healing process needed at these sites and being surrounded by supportive people on the tour who would understand what the journey process entailed.

I felt this was my soul’s reason for traveling to England and Europe. To follow what I intuitively knew to be my truth.

Little did I realize at that time that the earth healing work would catapult me out of my known way of existence.

I had plenty of time to reflect on the meaning of all this on the long journey to Uphaven.

Newlife Reiki Seichim Workshops
June to August.                                                                       

NLR Level 1 Practitioner Training Workshop is planned for the weekend of August 25 & 26

The workshop is being held here in the Yarra Valley.

The cost is $350, Concession $275.

Time is 9am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday.

In this workshop you will learn how to give NLR Reiki Seichim using hands on healing techniques.

The Rings of the Thymus teachings to enable you to energize your immune system.

9 Newlife Reiki Seichim Symbols and workbook.

Cosmic Healing bank & Absentee Healing.

Morning Tea & Vegetarian Lunch provided.

For more information check the web site: http://www.newlifereikisolutions.com/
Phone 0359646903

Mobile 0402208634

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