Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Idea of creative sound & the theory of vibration.

"As every living thing so to symbols have their periods of waxing & waning.

When their power has reached its zenith they descend into all paths of daily life.
Then other symbols take their place, while they retire into the inner circle of initiates, from whence they will be reborn when their time has come:

This is apparent when we move from our NLR level 1 symbols through the levels of 2 to 3. As we grow the symbols are integrated and we become ready for the level 3 symbols.
The Tamarasha is also a good example of an old Egyptian symbol still seen today etched into the walls of the pyramids many centuries ago and now being being revisited & used by us.
For each stage of our journey new symbols have allowed the transition from one stage of our spiritual growth to another.

This also shows that as the old must let go just as the seasons change to allow the renewal of life to give energy & a new vibrational resonance to allow the inner change to take place.

As each new change takes us to a new vibrational plane of life, depth of experience inner confidence, self worth is experienced, connection to the whole/ self realization .

Mantra can take us from one plane to of existence to the next.

The Mantra's power & meaning & is only for the initiated.
The experience of the mantra is only acquired through initiation & the teacher who provides the atmosphere for a student to gain understanding.
The uninitiated may utter the Mantra as often as he likes without producing the slightest effect.
Therefore Mantras may be printed in books by the thousands without giving away their secret or loosing their value.
This is also relevant to the NLR Seichim symbols which are now commonly found in printed material around the world.
The qualities needed from the students is sincere faith and deep respect for yourself and all things spiritual.