Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Buddhism as a Living Experience.

Continuing on with Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism book.
"The Power of Speech"

"Dharanis are a means for fixing the mind upon an idea, a vision an experience gained in meditation."

They may represent the quintessence of a teaching as well as the experience of a certain state of consciousness.

The practice of these Dharanis formulas can be recalled or recreated at any time.

If you are going through a state of turmoil or emotion, by reciting the mantra it has the power and ability to take you beyond the turbulent state into peaceful alignment.

Therefore they are called supports or receptacles or bearers of wisdom.

They are not different from mantras in their foundation but are in their form.

They may attain a considerable length and sometimes represent a combination many mantras.

Through deep absorbson in meditation one gains the truth. Through a Drahani one retains it.

The symbols, mantras, beads, exercises create the experience of receptacles of wisdom. That next step beyond meditation.

Each new experience in life widens our mental outlook and creates subtle transformation within.

As our nature continually changes , the structure of our mind becomes more diverse and complex.
Lama Govinda goes on to say, "whatever we call it progress or degeneration it is the law of life, in which differentiation and co-ordination balance each other.

These 10 days that you have given yourself will be a journey of unfoldment and discovery.To finish I leave you with this thought.

" Though the whole tree is potentially contained in the seed, it requires time to transform itself into visible shape."

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