Thursday, June 30, 2011

RATNASAMBHAVA who embodies the Wisdom of Equality

Discussions on the "Foundation of Tibetan Mysticism book".

The Philosophers Stone and Elixir of Life.

The symbols that have their origins within the cultural realm of civilization, are not the same as symbols of a conceptual nature.

These conceptual symbols cannot be traced to any particular place, tribe or race and are not bound to a particular period of human civilization.

These symbols belong to all of humanity and may appear as new energy available to us to use.They can change their name and meaning.

As with the level 3 symbols they can be found in the past but have an eternal component to them.Without loosing their direction and maintain their character.

Popular symbols assume visible form but there are also invisible symbols which exist only as mental pictures or ideas.

The Philosophers Stone is one of these invisible symbols.

Many alchemists and scientists have worked with the visible symbols but few have understood or mastered its secrets.

The external vision behind the understanding is the "original substance". The ultimate principal of the world.
As discussed in the level 2 manual when understanding the initiation and its relevance to the birth of the Cosmic Egg, more understanding can be gained.

By perseverance and understanding the elements and phenomena all states can be restored to its original state of purity.

In so doing gains the key to the secrets of all creative power.

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